Mission:The mission of the PA Business Relief Auction is to raise money to support our local businesses as they weather this economic crisis.

How:Through an online auction.  Businesses and Individuals are invited to donate items and services to support a favorite local business. The bidding will be online.

Funds raised will be paid out to local PA businesses to help them keep their doors open and support employees who have been temporarily furloughed.

When:Auction will begin once all donations have been received.  Payment will be made at the close of the auction. 

Prizes will be redeemed once businesses are able to reopen and we are no longer in the midst of COVID-19. For everyone's safety! 

Why:We all want our local businesses to be able to reopen after this health and economic crisis has passed.

This is a way that people who love this area can support their favorite businesses and staff members, no matter how far away you may be.


NOTE:100% of the funds raised will go directly to the businesses designated. There are no administrative costs incurred.