
One of the things I was most excited about when we got our Permanent Residency cards was that they would entitle us to get an annual pass to Xcaret!  For the price of an admission we, as residents, can come and go as often as we want for the entire year.  How exciting is that?  I’m sure for many, you are thinking once would be enough and who wants to visit the same park over and over again.  Well, I assure you, I do!  And indulge me as I try to explain why.

Xcaret is one of the oldest eco-parks along the Riviera Maya. It is owned and operated by the same group that has a number of other parks: Xel-Ha, Xenses, Xplor, Xenotes, Xoximilco, and Xavage. Xcaret is perfect for all ages, as there is literally something for everyone to do and see.  You can go just for the day, only the night show or do both. It opens at 8:30 and the night show ends at 9.  Spend as little or as long as you want. 

I have been to Xcaret numerous times and I still don’t believe I have seen and done everything. What’s nice about the annual pass is you can go spend a couple of hours and wander the paths, enjoy the cool underground rivers or bask on the beach by the sea.

The one difference between Xel-Ha and Xcaret is that the latter is not an all-inclusive park. The food is extra, but you can pack your own lunch and you will find a number of spots to picnic.  If you do want to eat there are a number of restaurants located throughout the park, most of them are buffets. One serves regional Mexican food and 4 of them are international restaurants.  The regional Mexican buffet restaurant is La Cocina and it is located near the entrance – I recommend getting there in time to get your seat and enjoy the equestrian show.  There are over 100 dishes to try. Open 12:00 – 19:00.

La Orquidea is a cafeteria spot for a breakfast, quesadilla, ice cream or coffee. It opens at 8:30.

Dos Playas is a Caribbean themed buffet restaurant located near the inlet. It offers a great variety of seafood dishes as well as incredible ribs. Cocktails are served. Open 11:30-17:30.

La Laguna is located on the side of Jaguar island and it has a buffet with an International flair from sushi to pasta, pizzas, steaks and salad bar.  A family favorite because its menu is so extensive.  Open 12:00 – 18:00.

El Manglar specializes in the typical foods of the Mexican Pacific coast; this is also a seafood, tacos and cerviche type of restaurant.  Some go just for the mango and mamey mouse dessert. It is located near the exit of the underground river. It is only open during high season and offers the best views of the Caribbean Sea. Open 11:00 to 17:30.

La Peninsula Restaurant, closest to the dolphin area, is also an International buffet restaurant with a lot of seafood options such as ceviche, octopus, mussels, but also known for its beef fajitas. Open 12:00 – 19:00.

La Caleta is a delicious buffet that specializes in all kinds of cuts of meat.  Open from 12:00 to 18:00.

Bar en las Rocas is a wonderful little bar with seating on the beach and offers a full bar and snack service.  Open from 11:00 to 17:30. La Cucaracha offers cocktails and tequila.  Bar Pai Ai en la Playa offers beach bar service. Los Carritos offers soft dinks, snacks and beer, strategically placed in the park.

Snack Venados and Snack Jaguares are alternatives if you want to grab a quick snack on the go.

If you are staying for the night show, another option is to do the combination dinner and show which allows you to dine on a delicious 4 course meal and watch the show in some of the best seats, right up front. Open 19:00 to 21:15.

Enough about food – what is there to see and do that keeps us going back.  For lack of a better way to to address everything I will take it section by section.  From the moment you enter the park the Main Plaza is welcoming and wonderful, with lots of shopping.  If you forgot your water bottle, grab one here, they have plenty of places to fill them back up along the way.  In addition to shopping there are dressing rooms, showers, ATM, drug store and even a wine cellar, which houses some of the finest Mexican labels.

Also I should point out that as big and overwhelming as the park can be, there are maps everywhere, staff to help and they even have different colored paint on the walk way to make sure you find where you are going.

The Scenic Tower, 262 feet tall with a rotating 360 degree view allows you to capture the beauty of the area from up above.  Children’s World is one of the newer additions to the park, designed for the little ones up to 12 years old.  The kids could easily spend hours here enjoying water slides, tunnels, hanging bridges, climbing nests and more.  It includes a refreshing cenote, and for those under 6 there is also a wading pool, water jets and sand box.  Family bathrooms also included.

The one thing I do EVERYTIME I go is the Underground River.  There are lockers located close to the entrance so you can store your stuff, or you can opt to put it in a sealed, waterproof bag which will magically end up at the exit of the river.  They make it very easy for you.  The underground river is fed by cenote water so be prepared for a refreshing entrance, but on a hot day you will love it.  If underground rivers are not your thing you can enjoy a similar activity on Paradise River and do it all on a barge without getting wet.

Hacienda Henequenera is a replica of the 19th century haciendas during their golden age in the Yucatan. Here you learn about the production of henequen. There is also a museum of Mexican Folk Art.  Sometimes during the year there is even a restaurant to try typical Yucatecan food.

Perched on the highest spot in Xcaret is St Francis of Assisi Chapel, check out the beautiful views, it is also a favorite spot for weddings.  In addition, pay a visit to the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Caves of the Mayan Village is a wonderful walk, taking you underground and winding through many shops, all with local artists creating plying their craft.  Here you can even make a keepsake of your own.  In the midst of this is one of my favorite spots, the cemetary.  Coco comes alive here. The Mayan village is especially wonderful at sunset with the scents of copal and sounds of the drums.

The land on which Xcaret was built has a long history dating back to the ancient Mayans and you can still see a number of ruins which were used for commerce, maritime and religion. 

House of Whispers is a place where no secret is safe Located next to the cemetery, the architect of this building makes a whisper possible to hear.

In and around all these spots are a number of performances going on daily such as equestrian shows, Papantla flyers, pre-hispanic performances, and, of course, the Night show, an extravaganza that starts with the history of Mexico and ends with music and dance from a number of areas and states.

For the nature lovers don’t miss: the Butterfly Pavilion, Aviary, Coral Reef Aquarium, Sea Turtles, Orchid and Bromeliads, Jaguar Island, Manatee lagoon, tropical jungle trail, and, of course, the beach. It is never too hot, because you can always cool off in the underground river, Caribbean Sea, or on a boat going 90 KM/H named Adrenalina. Activities include places to feed the stingrays, swim with the dolphins (this writer must say she does NOT promote this!) or feed the sharks.  Snuba (helmet diving) and snorkeling activities are also available.

Well, I don’t think I have missed anything, but I wouldn’t be surprised if, by the time I post this article, they have come up with some new way to entertain us!  The pluses I feel about this company outweigh the negatives. Yes, they have built a number of parks on some incredibly beautiful land – and that is always a shame.  They have done a very good job of keeping their parks as eco-friendly as possible. They are a rescue center and hospital for injured birds, sea turtles and various indigenous animals.  The company is also very involved in education locally and for their staff. 

And for us, being 15 minutes away it is a nice way to get away, walk in a beautiful setting, enjoy the water and have a nice meal.  We love it for just the two of us, but it is even more fun with friends, so come visit and we’ll take you there!

[For readers who are unfamiliar with the area, Xcaret is located on Highway 307 (the north/south highway) just south of Playa del Carmen.]