The Yucatan: A Guide to the Land of Maya Mysteries (book review)


by Joanne M. Birce

“The Yucatan: A Guide to the Land of Maya Mysteries Plus Sacred Sites at Belize, Tikal, and Copan” by Antoinette May may have long title, but is clear and concise in fact. This informative and entertaining guide’s purpose is twofold. First, it give you complete descriptions of places to eat, stay, and sleep in the Yucatan, including the best resorts, beaches, and diving spots, like many other guide books. But it also gives you an excellent course on the history and discovery of the individual sites, along with maps and photos.

“The Yucatan” begins with a background of the Peninsula, giving you a nice overview of what the area was like during Mayan times, including an interesting map. Also there is a “Who’s Who of the Gods”, a witty overview of the Mayan Gods, and what they meant to the civilization. The rest of the book is divided into city or ruin location, each city or ruin getting its own chapter. The chapters are detailed with smart anecdotes, clear facts and maps that help to make your travels more enjoyable. “The Yucatan” is an excellent book to take along on your travels.