Catamaya Sailing Cruises Re-opening

Mike and I met because of sailboats and when we were first married we lived on a sailboat, so to say I’m a bit partial to sailing is an understatement.   Being on the water is, bar none, my happiest place. That said, when Amy invited me over to see what they were doing at the Catamaya to assure the safety of their crew and clients I jumped at the opportunity.  I can’t wait to be aboard a sailing vessel, smelling the salt air, feeling the wind in my face and watching the clear Caribbean Sea beneath me.  I have to say it is one of the things I have missed the most during our lock-down.  And it has also been one of my concerns, coming out of our “social distancing” phase and getting back to socializing again.

I had read many articles about the safest things you can do this summer and they all revolved around being in the bright sunshine, in the fresh air and on the water.  BUT how was sharing a space with others on a boat going to be possible?  Well, I am pleased to say Amy, Fabio and the crew convinced me completely that they had thought of every detail and it is possible to get back on the open water, stress free.

The Catamaya staff and crew have thought of everything to assure that the health and safety of everyone comes first.  They made some changes to accommodate the comfort of others, knowing some people would be more concerned than others.  Catamaya accommodates both private groups and individual group trips; in other words, you can rent the entire yacht for your private groups or you can buy a ticket for one and join others who are enjoying a morning (10-2) of fun on the water.  In each case they have to consider the very different needs of their clientele. While tightening up on their precautionary measures they still made sure that they kept everything lighthearted and fun! 

The best way to explain what I’m saying is to take you step by step through the process of boarding and what you can expect once on board.  As you approach the Catamaya there are signs posted to remind everyone of social distancing.  Clients are encouraged to wear their own masks, but masks will be available if anyone needs one.  The beauty of sailing is being in the sunshine, fresh air and on the ocean which all minimizes the need to wear masks once you board, which, of course, remains a personal option. The crew will have masks and full-face shields, but be warned they are NOT you standard issued face shields, think more “Pirates of the Caribbean.”  Catamaya is lighening up the situation with great humor!  OK so you are ready to board, shoes must come off, but they will have a bag handy for you to put your footwear in or you can throw them in your beach bag.  Hand sanitizer is available as you board, as well as disinfectant for your feet and a thermometer to take your temperature.  Now we are ready to board.

Once on board the first change you will notice is the arrows.  Movement around the boat is in one direction only to minimize the close personal contact.  You will also notice hand prints on the railings, foot prints on the decks and even bum prints on the seats to give everyone a friendly reminder of social distancing.  Again, for private parties, most will not be concerned about this, but for those who are, Catamaya has thought of everything.  The limit for public sails from 10-2 will be 40 to assure there is plenty of space for everyone.  Private groups may bring up to 90, assuming the group is comfortable with being together. 

With 3 private heads, lots of hand sanitizer stations throughout the boat, and a well-trained staff, your safety and the safety of the crew has been addressed in a professional and thorough way.  But they have not stopped there. They have individually prepackaged snorkeling gear, which comes with a single use snorkel, assuring they are safe for each use.  I was also impressed that they will not just be tossing those snorkels away after they are used, but instead will be donating them to a local artist to up cycle in an art project for the Akumal Art Festival, this fall.

Additional steps they are taking is to install acrylic protectors where needed at the welcome spot, as well as on board. Their usual deep cleaning after each sail will be in place and on top of that they have bought a 190-degree steam cleaner which will be used after each and every sail.

It was fun to be back on-board a sailing vessel even if it was docked.  And was even more fun watching the fun-loving crew prepping the Catamaya while they laughed and teased with one another.  I can assure you these guys are as ready to get back out to sea with you as you are to go!  So, relax, and don’t hesitate to sign up for your fun day on the beautiful Caribbean Sea in the hands of the crew of the Catamaya.  If they can make my simple tour of the boat fun, trust me they are ready to make your day amazing.

Additionally: Catamaya’s new procedures video, to book visit the Catamaya website.