Latitude 20 Reopening

I can’t believe it has been almost 3 months to the day that we have been in lock-down mode, or as I like to refer to it, grounded.  One of the things that has impressed me the most during this COVID-19 Pandemic, here in Puerto Aventuras, is how well everyone came together.  No one fought the masks, people pitched in to help feed the hungry, provide sanitary supplies for the needy and even dog food for the street dogs and pets whose owners couldn’t afford it.  Jim Stubbs, owner of Latitude 20 and Michele Kinnon, a member of the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Playa Del Carmen Seaside, have been among those on the front lines getting what is needed to the less fortunate, not to mention doing a lot of the shopping for those in Puerto who were not able or comfortable with going out into the stores.  Jim and Michele did this in part to help pay their staff and keep the rent paid and lights on at the restaurant.  I preface this with that information to point out that they have seen first-hand the devastation caused by this pandemic in our area. Thus, when it came to re-opening Latitude 20 they have taken every precaution imaginable.  They also approached the re-opening with great concern for all involved, even to the point that they are willing to shut it back down if everyone’s safety and comfort isn’t respected. 

Now it’s not like many of us have totally gone without Latitude’s incredible fresh and healthy meals or even without their scrumptious cocktails and ice-cold beer.  Latitude 20 continued to offer both for take-out and delivery, managing to stay open the entire time. Matter of fact we have spent a few later afternoons enjoying Isaac’s cocktails while hanging out with the bored and lonely dolphins on the dock. 

We were excited to make our first social outing the soft Re-Opening night at Latitude 20.  Michele and Jim spelled out very clearly the procedures, standards and expectations taken into consideration all the different needs and wants of their clients, but most importantly keeping everyone’s safety first and foremost (see images below).  I can’t tell you how helpful that was for us.  We couldn’t wait to be back in a social setting but were naturally concerned after reading so many stories of places that opened too soon.  Stories about people who disregarded the safety of others and caused Covid cases to rise, with still more people getting sick and dying. This had us more apprehensive about joining the social scene again. 

In preparation for the re-opening, protocols were put in place, staff was trained and the entire restaurant was sanitized from top to bottom.  Tables were spaced out with marks on the floor to show where each table belonged, so no one could try and move them.  Instead of the allowed 10 people at a table they had 4 tops and 6 tops.  They allowed 40 people max to enter the restaurant.  At the front the ground marked with arrows, showing the way in and out of the restaurant – this isn’t easy with an al fresco, palapa, open-aired space.  At the entrance there were disinfectant mats to step on, hand sanitizer and a staff member taking patrons’ temperatures.  Masks were required on everyone who wasn’t seated at a table and the staff wore not only their mask but a full-face protective shield. 

Nothing stopped people from coming and enjoying happy hour and the full menu in one of their favorite spots.  Everyone was willing to respect the needs of others and the boundaries set by the owner and staff.  If you visited another table it was only by invitation and you were required to wear a mask.  Not one person protested!  It is a whole new world now and everyone was more than happy to follow Jim and Michele’s lead. 

I know soon everyone will be back in business, and as we get more and more comfortable with our new found freedom, I only hope that more will follow the steps taken at Latitude 20, keep their guards up, respect the needs and wishes of others and stay safe. 

While some are anxious to hug and return fully to the way things were, others are skeptical and nervous and want to hold back.  There are people on the full spectrum and we all need to respect that.  We have friends who don’t believe COVID-19 exists and think that by distancing we are putting ourselves at more of a risk.  We also have friends who are at a very high risk for any virus or infection and they need to know their space and needs will be respected.  Latitude 20 offered 100% support for those with every need and comfort level!  Food and great drinks are only a small portion of what makes a restaurant great.  The atmosphere, staff and comfort are what really set it apart.  Thank you, Latitude 20 for keeping that in mind and doing all you could to bring us back together in a safe, fun and respectful manner!  And kudos for all you did to keep feeding and us allowing your staff to work.  It was great to be back!  I’m looking forward to many more fun events and times now that we are living here full-time.

To learn more about Latitude 20, some of the events they will have in the future and their incredible menu visit them on Facebook. 

Click on the arrows below to see Latitude’s re-opening information.